Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Did My Reserch Paper

Finally after a hard work I finished my reserch paper!! I learned alot of good things from this reserch. Now I know how I can take an information from different sourses and put it all togather. Also I learned how to mke a reference list. I'll always will remember when I'll write about something, that I have to write about two sides, nigative side and postive side because there is no things with out nigateve !! For wh want to do a reserch, I want to say that you have to lesson for your tetchers advices because it make a difference.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Waleed, thank you for posting something on my blog, I have just noticed it... :) I wish you the best for the future! :o) * By the way, your presentation was very interesting! Congratulations for your graduation!
